Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Sertifikasi Kompetensi Teknisi Listrik, Hub 081 230 454 20 (Call-WA)

Sertifikasi Kompetensi Teknisi Listrik

Sertifikasi Kompetensi Teknisi Listrik | Pelatihan & Sertifikasi k3 Teknisi Listrik | Sertifikasi k3 Teknisi Listrik | Pelatihan Teknisi Listrik Surabaya | Sertifikasi Kompetensi Teknisi Listrik

Nusantara Traisser fokus pada layanan program pelatihan dan sertifikasi personil,
jasa pendampingan operasional (Coaching) serta supplier perlengkapan K3 khususnya APD

1. Mobile Crane Operator
2. Overhead Crane Operator
3. Tower Crane Operator
4. Forklift Operator
5. Scaffolder
6. Rigger
7. Production Operation
8. Well Maintenance
9. Drilling
10. Genset Operator
11. Welder
12. Production Operation
13. Lifting Equipment Inspector
14. Bulldozer and Side Boom Operator
15. Heavy Duty Truck Operator
16. Traxcavator and Back Hoe Operator
17. Wheel and Track Loader Operator
18. Boiler Operator
19. Gondola Operator
20. First Grade & Second Grade Boiler Operator

1. Mobil Crane Inspection and Testing
2. Boiler Maintenance
3. Forklift Maintenance
4. Advance Rigging for Supervisor
5. Scaffolding Inspection and Testing
6. Lubrication System
7. Pump and Maintenance

PROGRAMS (Sertifikasi)

1. Occupational Safety and Health Professional
2. Emergency First Aid
3. Safety Commitee
4. Fire Prevention and Fighting Technique
5. Electrical Occupational Safety and Health
6. Confined Space Safety
7. Internal Audit of The OSH Management System
8. Working At Height Technicians
9. Construction Occupational, Safety and Health Officer
10. Basic Safety Training
11. Chemical Occupational, Safety and Health Officer
12. System Management Integration
13. Effective Customer Satisfaction Base On ISO 10002:2004
14. Safety and Health Inspection Techniques
15. Accident Reporting, Investgation and Analysis
16. Occupational Health and Safety
17. H2S Hazard Control


1. Leadership and Motivation
2. Team Work Building
3. Character Building
4. Administration and Filling System
5. Pre-retirement Training
6. Preventive Maintenance System

Head Office :
Masjid Agung Area Kav A-1
Jl. Pagesangan Baru V, Surabaya
Telp : 031 - 8295601, 8295609

Branch Office :
Kebagusan Perdana Kav 3
Jl. Kebagusan Raya, Jakarta Selatan
Telp : 021-78882350

Jenis Sertifikasi Teknisi Listrik, Hub 081 230 454 20 (Call-WA)

Jenis Sertifikasi Teknisi Listrik

Jenis Sertifikasi Teknisi Listrik | Sertifikasi Kompetensi Teknisi Listrik | Pelatihan & Sertifikasi k3 Teknisi Listrik | Sertifikasi k3 Teknisi Listrik | Pelatihan Teknisi Listrik Surabaya

Nusantara Traisser fokus pada layanan program pelatihan dan sertifikasi personil,
jasa pendampingan operasional (Coaching) serta supplier perlengkapan K3 khususnya APD

1. Mobile Crane Operator
2. Overhead Crane Operator
3. Tower Crane Operator
4. Forklift Operator
5. Scaffolder
6. Rigger
7. Production Operation
8. Well Maintenance
9. Drilling
10. Genset Operator
11. Welder
12. Production Operation
13. Lifting Equipment Inspector
14. Bulldozer and Side Boom Operator
15. Heavy Duty Truck Operator
16. Traxcavator and Back Hoe Operator
17. Wheel and Track Loader Operator
18. Boiler Operator
19. Gondola Operator
20. First Grade & Second Grade Boiler Operator

1. Mobil Crane Inspection and Testing
2. Boiler Maintenance
3. Forklift Maintenance
4. Advance Rigging for Supervisor
5. Scaffolding Inspection and Testing
6. Lubrication System
7. Pump and Maintenance

PROGRAMS (Sertifikasi)

1. Occupational Safety and Health Professional
2. Emergency First Aid
3. Safety Commitee
4. Fire Prevention and Fighting Technique
5. Electrical Occupational Safety and Health
6. Confined Space Safety
7. Internal Audit of The OSH Management System
8. Working At Height Technicians
9. Construction Occupational, Safety and Health Officer
10. Basic Safety Training
11. Chemical Occupational, Safety and Health Officer
12. System Management Integration
13. Effective Customer Satisfaction Base On ISO 10002:2004
14. Safety and Health Inspection Techniques
15. Accident Reporting, Investgation and Analysis
16. Occupational Health and Safety
17. H2S Hazard Control


1. Leadership and Motivation
2. Team Work Building
3. Character Building
4. Administration and Filling System
5. Pre-retirement Training
6. Preventive Maintenance System

Head Office :
Masjid Agung Area Kav A-1
Jl. Pagesangan Baru V, Surabaya
Telp : 031 - 8295601, 8295609

Branch Office :
Kebagusan Perdana Kav 3
Jl. Kebagusan Raya, Jakarta Selatan
Telp : 021-78882350

Sertifikasi Teknisi k3 Listrik, Hub 081 230 454 20 (Call-WA)

Sertifikasi Teknisi k3 Listrik

Sertifikasi Teknisi k3 Listrik | Jenis Sertifikasi Teknisi Listrik | Sertifikasi Kompetensi Teknisi Listrik | Pelatihan & Sertifikasi k3 Teknisi Listrik | Sertifikasi k3 Teknisi Listrik

Nusantara Traisser fokus pada layanan program pelatihan dan sertifikasi personil,
jasa pendampingan operasional (Coaching) serta supplier perlengkapan K3 khususnya APD

1. Mobile Crane Operator
2. Overhead Crane Operator
3. Tower Crane Operator
4. Forklift Operator
5. Scaffolder
6. Rigger
7. Production Operation
8. Well Maintenance
9. Drilling
10. Genset Operator
11. Welder
12. Production Operation
13. Lifting Equipment Inspector
14. Bulldozer and Side Boom Operator
15. Heavy Duty Truck Operator
16. Traxcavator and Back Hoe Operator
17. Wheel and Track Loader Operator
18. Boiler Operator
19. Gondola Operator
20. First Grade & Second Grade Boiler Operator

1. Mobil Crane Inspection and Testing
2. Boiler Maintenance
3. Forklift Maintenance
4. Advance Rigging for Supervisor
5. Scaffolding Inspection and Testing
6. Lubrication System
7. Pump and Maintenance

PROGRAMS (Sertifikasi)

1. Occupational Safety and Health Professional
2. Emergency First Aid
3. Safety Commitee
4. Fire Prevention and Fighting Technique
5. Electrical Occupational Safety and Health
6. Confined Space Safety
7. Internal Audit of The OSH Management System
8. Working At Height Technicians
9. Construction Occupational, Safety and Health Officer
10. Basic Safety Training
11. Chemical Occupational, Safety and Health Officer
12. System Management Integration
13. Effective Customer Satisfaction Base On ISO 10002:2004
14. Safety and Health Inspection Techniques
15. Accident Reporting, Investgation and Analysis
16. Occupational Health and Safety
17. H2S Hazard Control


1. Leadership and Motivation
2. Team Work Building
3. Character Building
4. Administration and Filling System
5. Pre-retirement Training
6. Preventive Maintenance System

Head Office :
Masjid Agung Area Kav A-1
Jl. Pagesangan Baru V, Surabaya
Telp : 031 - 8295601, 8295609

Branch Office :
Kebagusan Perdana Kav 3
Jl. Kebagusan Raya, Jakarta Selatan
Telp : 021-78882350

Sertifikasi Teknisi Listrik, Hub 081 230 454 20 (Call-WA)

Sertifikasi Teknisi Listrik

Sertifikasi Teknisi Listrik | Sertifikasi Teknisi k3 Listrik | Jenis Sertifikasi Teknisi Listrik | Sertifikasi Kompetensi Teknisi Listrik | Pelatihan & Sertifikasi k3 Teknisi Listrik

Nusantara Traisser fokus pada layanan program pelatihan dan sertifikasi personil,
jasa pendampingan operasional (Coaching) serta supplier perlengkapan K3 khususnya APD

1. Mobile Crane Operator
2. Overhead Crane Operator
3. Tower Crane Operator
4. Forklift Operator
5. Scaffolder
6. Rigger
7. Production Operation
8. Well Maintenance
9. Drilling
10. Genset Operator
11. Welder
12. Production Operation
13. Lifting Equipment Inspector
14. Bulldozer and Side Boom Operator
15. Heavy Duty Truck Operator
16. Traxcavator and Back Hoe Operator
17. Wheel and Track Loader Operator
18. Boiler Operator
19. Gondola Operator
20. First Grade & Second Grade Boiler Operator

1. Mobil Crane Inspection and Testing
2. Boiler Maintenance
3. Forklift Maintenance
4. Advance Rigging for Supervisor
5. Scaffolding Inspection and Testing
6. Lubrication System
7. Pump and Maintenance

PROGRAMS (Sertifikasi)

1. Occupational Safety and Health Professional
2. Emergency First Aid
3. Safety Commitee
4. Fire Prevention and Fighting Technique
5. Electrical Occupational Safety and Health
6. Confined Space Safety
7. Internal Audit of The OSH Management System
8. Working At Height Technicians
9. Construction Occupational, Safety and Health Officer
10. Basic Safety Training
11. Chemical Occupational, Safety and Health Officer
12. System Management Integration
13. Effective Customer Satisfaction Base On ISO 10002:2004
14. Safety and Health Inspection Techniques
15. Accident Reporting, Investgation and Analysis
16. Occupational Health and Safety
17. H2S Hazard Control


1. Leadership and Motivation
2. Team Work Building
3. Character Building
4. Administration and Filling System
5. Pre-retirement Training
6. Preventive Maintenance System

Head Office :
Masjid Agung Area Kav A-1
Jl. Pagesangan Baru V, Surabaya
Telp : 031 - 8295601, 8295609

Branch Office :
Kebagusan Perdana Kav 3
Jl. Kebagusan Raya, Jakarta Selatan
Telp : 021-78882350

Monday, August 13, 2018

Apa Itu Rigger / Juru Ikat

Rigger / Juru Ikat

Rigger Juru Ikat

SAFETY TRAINING K3 - Selamat sore pembaca Safety Training K3 , pada materi ini saya akan menjelaskan tentang APA ITU RRIGGER / JURU IKAT.

Apa Itu Rigger / Juru Ikat

Rigger atau bahasa indonesianya Juru ikat adalah seorang Tenaga Kerja yang memiliki & mempunyai kemampuan secara khusus dalam melakukan sebuah kegiatan pengikatan.

Selain memilik keahlian dalam pengikatan Rigger juga harus ikut membantu dalam kelancaran operasi pengangkatan barang / benda yang diangkat.

Untuk alat sendiri Rigger / Juru ikat biasanya menggunakan Sling , Sling serat alam ataupun sling serat sintetik , dan juga sling rantai atau sling baja.

Tugas Rigger / Juru Ikat

Tugas Rigger / Juru Ikat

Dilansir dari Peraturan Menteri PER.09/MEN/VII/2010 , Juru ikat ( Rigger ) dimaksud dalam pasal 18 Ayat 2 harus melengkapi persyaratan sebagai berikut:

  • Minimal memiliki pendidikan SLTP / Sederajat.
  • Sudah memiliki pengalaman sebagai Helper Rigger selama 1 Tahun.
  • Kondisi Fisik sehat dari keterangan Dokter.
  • Umur minimal 19 tahun.
  • Sudah memiliki Lisensi K3 dan Buku Kerja

Seorang Rigger juga memiliki tugasnya tersendiri , Pekerjaan rigger dalam area pengangkatan memiliki resiko yang cukup tinggi bagi para pekerja di area tersebut.

Jika terjadi kesalah sedikit saja dalam kegiatan rigging , maka bisa dipastikan dapat menyebabkan adanya kecelakaan dalam kerja entah itu beresiko kecil atau besar.

Kerugian yang ditanggung pun tidak kecil , bisa saja terjadi kerusakan alat , atau waktu yang terbuang , tapi yang paling berbahaya adalah jika terjadinya kecelakaan pada pekerja tersebut.

Jika luka ringan mungkin masih bisa disembuhkan , namun bagaimana jika luka yang dialami cukup parah bahkan menyebabkan kematian ? itu bukan hal yang di inginkan.

Dalam Industri khususnya pada area Migas ( Minyak Bumi & Gas ) hal tersebut dapat menyebabkan banyak kerugian secara materi.

Kecelakaan kerja bisa kita hindari jika para pekerja menerapkan dasar K3 dalam pekerjaan mereka dan mereka bisa bekerja sama dengan baik.

Kita dapat mengurangi resiko bekerja dalam keadaan berbahaya , dan perlu dihindari bekerja dalam keadaan sendirian untuk dapat memperkecil resiko kecelakaan kerja.

Standar Kompetensi Rigger / Juru Ikat

Standar Kompetensi Rigger / Juru Ikat

SKKNI ( Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia ) sudah memberikan standar dalam melakukan kegiatan pengikatan beban.

Saat mempersiapkan beban ada beberapa hal utama yang perlu kita perhatikan:
  • Beban yang diangkat.
  • Identifikasi Materi.
  • Kondisi & Berat beban yang diangkat.
Dengan semua informasi didapatkan maka kita bisa meneruskan ke langkah selanjutnya , yaitu pemilihan alat yang tepat untuk digunakan yaitu , Hook , Sling , Shackle , maupun teknik pengikatan apa yang akan digunakan.

Kewajiban Rigger / Juru Ikat

Kewajiban Rigger / Juru Ikat

Selain tugas di atas , Rigger juga memiliki kewajiban lainnya yang harus mereka laksanakan saat melakukan pekerjaan.

  • Melakukan maintenance / Perawatan terhadap alat bantu angkat.
  • Melakukan Cek kondisi pengikatan saat melakukan kegiatan pengangkatan.
  • Melakukan pemilihan alat bantu angkat yang sesuai dengan kapasitas beban kerja aman.
  • Ikut mematuhi peraturan dan melakukan tindakan pengamanan yang sudah ditetapkan pada area kerja masing masing.
  • Melakukan pelaporan dengan mengisi buku kerja dengan kegiatan pekerjaan yang sudah dilakukan.
Terima kasih telah membaca artikel Apa Itu Rigger / Juru Ikat.

Informasi Pelatihan:

Nusantara Traisser fokus pada layanan program pelatihan dan sertifikasi personil,
jasa pendampingan operasional (Coaching) serta supplier perlengkapan K3 khususnya APD

1. Mobile Crane Operator
2. Overhead Crane Operator
3. Tower Crane Operator
4. Forklift Operator
5. Scaffolder
6. Rigger
7. Production Operation
8. Well Maintenance
9. Drilling
10. Genset Operator
11. Welder
12. Production Operation
13. Lifting Equipment Inspector
14. Bulldozer and Side Boom Operator
15. Heavy Duty Truck Operator
16. Traxcavator and Back Hoe Operator
17. Wheel and Track Loader Operator
18. Boiler Operator
19. Gondola Operator
20. First Grade & Second Grade Boiler Operator

1. Mobil Crane Inspection and Testing
2. Boiler Maintenance
3. Forklift Maintenance
4. Advance Rigging for Supervisor
5. Scaffolding Inspection and Testing
6. Lubrication System
7. Pump and Maintenance

PROGRAMS (Sertifikasi)

1. Occupational Safety and Health Professional
2. Emergency First Aid
3. Safety Commitee
4. Fire Prevention and Fighting Technique
5. Electrical Occupational Safety and Health
6. Confined Space Safety
7. Internal Audit of The OSH Management System
8. Working At Height Technicians
9. Construction Occupational, Safety and Health Officer
10. Basic Safety Training
11. Chemical Occupational, Safety and Health Officer
12. System Management Integration
13. Effective Customer Satisfaction Base On ISO 10002:2004
14. Safety and Health Inspection Techniques
15. Accident Reporting, Investgation and Analysis
16. Occupational Health and Safety
17. H2S Hazard Control


1. Leadership and Motivation
2. Team Work Building
3. Character Building
4. Administration and Filling System
5. Pre-retirement Training
6. Preventive Maintenance System

Head Office :
Masjid Agung Area Kav A-1
Jl. Pagesangan Baru V, Surabaya
Telp : 031 - 8295601, 8295609

Branch Office :
Kebagusan Perdana Kav 3
Jl. Kebagusan Raya, Jakarta Selatan
Telp : 021-78882350

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Safety Training k3 Surabaya 2018, Hub 081 230 454 20 (Call-WA)

Safety Training k3 Surabaya 2018 | Safety Training Gresik | Safety Training k3 | Safety Training k3 Surabaya | Safety Training k3 Surabaya 2018

Safety Training k3 Surabaya 2018 | Safety Training Gresik | Safety Training k3 | Safety Training k3 Surabaya | Safety Training k3 Surabaya 2018

Nusantara Traisser fokus pada layanan program pelatihan dan sertifikasi personil,
jasa pendampingan operasional (Coaching) serta supplier perlengkapan K3 khususnya APD

1. Mobile Crane Operator
2. Overhead Crane Operator
3. Tower Crane Operator
4. Forklift Operator
5. Scaffolder
6. Rigger
7. Production Operation
8. Well Maintenance
9. Drilling
10. Genset Operator
11. Welder
12. Production Operation
13. Lifting Equipment Inspector
14. Bulldozer and Side Boom Operator
15. Heavy Duty Truck Operator
16. Traxcavator and Back Hoe Operator
17. Wheel and Track Loader Operator
18. Boiler Operator
19. Gondola Operator
20. First Grade & Second Grade Boiler Operator

1. Mobil Crane Inspection and Testing
2. Boiler Maintenance
3. Forklift Maintenance
4. Advance Rigging for Supervisor
5. Scaffolding Inspection and Testing
6. Lubrication System
7. Pump and Maintenance

PROGRAMS (Sertifikasi)

1. Occupational Safety and Health Professional
2. Emergency First Aid
3. Safety Commitee
4. Fire Prevention and Fighting Technique
5. Electrical Occupational Safety and Health
6. Confined Space Safety
7. Internal Audit of The OSH Management System
8. Working At Height Technicians
9. Construction Occupational, Safety and Health Officer
10. Basic Safety Training
11. Chemical Occupational, Safety and Health Officer
12. System Management Integration
13. Effective Customer Satisfaction Base On ISO 10002:2004
14. Safety and Health Inspection Techniques
15. Accident Reporting, Investgation and Analysis
16. Occupational Health and Safety
17. H2S Hazard Control


1. Leadership and Motivation
2. Team Work Building
3. Character Building
4. Administration and Filling System
5. Pre-retirement Training
6. Preventive Maintenance System

Head Office :
Masjid Agung Area Kav A-1
Jl. Pagesangan Baru V, Surabaya
Telp : 031 - 8295601, 8295609

Branch Office :
Kebagusan Perdana Kav 3
Jl. Kebagusan Raya, Jakarta Selatan
Telp : 021-78882350

Monday, August 6, 2018

Safety Training k3 Surabaya, Hub 081 230 454 20 (Call-WA)

Safety Training k3 Surabaya | Safety Training k3 Surabaya 2018 | Safety Training Gresik | Safety Training k3 | Safety Training k3 Surabaya

Safety Training k3 Surabaya | Safety Training k3 Surabaya 2018 | Safety Training Gresik | Safety Training k3 | Safety Training k3 Surabaya

Nusantara Traisser fokus pada layanan program pelatihan dan sertifikasi personil,
jasa pendampingan operasional (Coaching) serta supplier perlengkapan K3 khususnya APD

1. Mobile Crane Operator
2. Overhead Crane Operator
3. Tower Crane Operator
4. Forklift Operator
5. Scaffolder
6. Rigger
7. Production Operation
8. Well Maintenance
9. Drilling
10. Genset Operator
11. Welder
12. Production Operation
13. Lifting Equipment Inspector
14. Bulldozer and Side Boom Operator
15. Heavy Duty Truck Operator
16. Traxcavator and Back Hoe Operator
17. Wheel and Track Loader Operator
18. Boiler Operator
19. Gondola Operator
20. First Grade & Second Grade Boiler Operator

1. Mobil Crane Inspection and Testing
2. Boiler Maintenance
3. Forklift Maintenance
4. Advance Rigging for Supervisor
5. Scaffolding Inspection and Testing
6. Lubrication System
7. Pump and Maintenance

PROGRAMS (Sertifikasi)

1. Occupational Safety and Health Professional
2. Emergency First Aid
3. Safety Commitee
4. Fire Prevention and Fighting Technique
5. Electrical Occupational Safety and Health
6. Confined Space Safety
7. Internal Audit of The OSH Management System
8. Working At Height Technicians
9. Construction Occupational, Safety and Health Officer
10. Basic Safety Training
11. Chemical Occupational, Safety and Health Officer
12. System Management Integration
13. Effective Customer Satisfaction Base On ISO 10002:2004
14. Safety and Health Inspection Techniques
15. Accident Reporting, Investgation and Analysis
16. Occupational Health and Safety
17. H2S Hazard Control


1. Leadership and Motivation
2. Team Work Building
3. Character Building
4. Administration and Filling System
5. Pre-retirement Training
6. Preventive Maintenance System

Head Office :
Masjid Agung Area Kav A-1
Jl. Pagesangan Baru V, Surabaya
Telp : 031 - 8295601, 8295609

Branch Office :
Kebagusan Perdana Kav 3
Jl. Kebagusan Raya, Jakarta Selatan
Telp : 021-78882350

Safety Training k3, Hub 081 230 454 20 (Call-WA)

Safety Training k3 | Safety Training k3 Surabaya | Safety Training k3 Surabaya 2018 | Safety Training Gresik | Safety Training k3

Safety Training k3 | Safety Training k3 Surabaya | Safety Training k3 Surabaya 2018 | Safety Training Gresik | Safety Training k3

Nusantara Traisser fokus pada layanan program pelatihan dan sertifikasi personil,
jasa pendampingan operasional (Coaching) serta supplier perlengkapan K3 khususnya APD

1. Mobile Crane Operator
2. Overhead Crane Operator
3. Tower Crane Operator
4. Forklift Operator
5. Scaffolder
6. Rigger
7. Production Operation
8. Well Maintenance
9. Drilling
10. Genset Operator
11. Welder
12. Production Operation
13. Lifting Equipment Inspector
14. Bulldozer and Side Boom Operator
15. Heavy Duty Truck Operator
16. Traxcavator and Back Hoe Operator
17. Wheel and Track Loader Operator
18. Boiler Operator
19. Gondola Operator
20. First Grade & Second Grade Boiler Operator

1. Mobil Crane Inspection and Testing
2. Boiler Maintenance
3. Forklift Maintenance
4. Advance Rigging for Supervisor
5. Scaffolding Inspection and Testing
6. Lubrication System
7. Pump and Maintenance

PROGRAMS (Sertifikasi)

1. Occupational Safety and Health Professional
2. Emergency First Aid
3. Safety Commitee
4. Fire Prevention and Fighting Technique
5. Electrical Occupational Safety and Health
6. Confined Space Safety
7. Internal Audit of The OSH Management System
8. Working At Height Technicians
9. Construction Occupational, Safety and Health Officer
10. Basic Safety Training
11. Chemical Occupational, Safety and Health Officer
12. System Management Integration
13. Effective Customer Satisfaction Base On ISO 10002:2004
14. Safety and Health Inspection Techniques
15. Accident Reporting, Investgation and Analysis
16. Occupational Health and Safety
17. H2S Hazard Control


1. Leadership and Motivation
2. Team Work Building
3. Character Building
4. Administration and Filling System
5. Pre-retirement Training
6. Preventive Maintenance System

Head Office :
Masjid Agung Area Kav A-1
Jl. Pagesangan Baru V, Surabaya
Telp : 031 - 8295601, 8295609

Branch Office :
Kebagusan Perdana Kav 3
Jl. Kebagusan Raya, Jakarta Selatan
Telp : 021-78882350

Safety Training Gresik, Hub 081 230 454 20 (Call-WA)

Safety Training Gresik | Safety Training k3 | Safety Training k3 Surabaya | Safety Training k3 Surabaya 2018 | Safety Training Gresik

Safety Training Gresik | Safety Training k3 | Safety Training k3 Surabaya | Safety Training k3 Surabaya 2018 | Safety Training Gresik

Nusantara Traisser fokus pada layanan program pelatihan dan sertifikasi personil,
jasa pendampingan operasional (Coaching) serta supplier perlengkapan K3 khususnya APD

1. Mobile Crane Operator
2. Overhead Crane Operator
3. Tower Crane Operator
4. Forklift Operator
5. Scaffolder
6. Rigger
7. Production Operation
8. Well Maintenance
9. Drilling
10. Genset Operator
11. Welder
12. Production Operation
13. Lifting Equipment Inspector
14. Bulldozer and Side Boom Operator
15. Heavy Duty Truck Operator
16. Traxcavator and Back Hoe Operator
17. Wheel and Track Loader Operator
18. Boiler Operator
19. Gondola Operator
20. First Grade & Second Grade Boiler Operator

1. Mobil Crane Inspection and Testing
2. Boiler Maintenance
3. Forklift Maintenance
4. Advance Rigging for Supervisor
5. Scaffolding Inspection and Testing
6. Lubrication System
7. Pump and Maintenance

PROGRAMS (Sertifikasi)

1. Occupational Safety and Health Professional
2. Emergency First Aid
3. Safety Commitee
4. Fire Prevention and Fighting Technique
5. Electrical Occupational Safety and Health
6. Confined Space Safety
7. Internal Audit of The OSH Management System
8. Working At Height Technicians
9. Construction Occupational, Safety and Health Officer
10. Basic Safety Training
11. Chemical Occupational, Safety and Health Officer
12. System Management Integration
13. Effective Customer Satisfaction Base On ISO 10002:2004
14. Safety and Health Inspection Techniques
15. Accident Reporting, Investgation and Analysis
16. Occupational Health and Safety
17. H2S Hazard Control


1. Leadership and Motivation
2. Team Work Building
3. Character Building
4. Administration and Filling System
5. Pre-retirement Training
6. Preventive Maintenance System

Head Office :
Masjid Agung Area Kav A-1
Jl. Pagesangan Baru V, Surabaya
Telp : 031 - 8295601, 8295609

Branch Office :
Kebagusan Perdana Kav 3
Jl. Kebagusan Raya, Jakarta Selatan
Telp : 021-78882350

Safety Training Malang, Hub 081 230 454 20 (Call-WA)

Safety Training Malang | Safety Training Gresik | Safety Training k3 | Safety Training k3 Surabaya | Safety Training k3 Surabaya 2018

Safety Training Malang | Safety Training Gresik | Safety Training k3 | Safety Training k3 Surabaya | Safety Training k3 Surabaya 2018

Nusantara Traisser fokus pada layanan program pelatihan dan sertifikasi personil,
jasa pendampingan operasional (Coaching) serta supplier perlengkapan K3 khususnya APD

1. Mobile Crane Operator
2. Overhead Crane Operator
3. Tower Crane Operator
4. Forklift Operator
5. Scaffolder
6. Rigger
7. Production Operation
8. Well Maintenance
9. Drilling
10. Genset Operator
11. Welder
12. Production Operation
13. Lifting Equipment Inspector
14. Bulldozer and Side Boom Operator
15. Heavy Duty Truck Operator
16. Traxcavator and Back Hoe Operator
17. Wheel and Track Loader Operator
18. Boiler Operator
19. Gondola Operator
20. First Grade & Second Grade Boiler Operator

1. Mobil Crane Inspection and Testing
2. Boiler Maintenance
3. Forklift Maintenance
4. Advance Rigging for Supervisor
5. Scaffolding Inspection and Testing
6. Lubrication System
7. Pump and Maintenance

PROGRAMS (Sertifikasi)

1. Occupational Safety and Health Professional
2. Emergency First Aid
3. Safety Commitee
4. Fire Prevention and Fighting Technique
5. Electrical Occupational Safety and Health
6. Confined Space Safety
7. Internal Audit of The OSH Management System
8. Working At Height Technicians
9. Construction Occupational, Safety and Health Officer
10. Basic Safety Training
11. Chemical Occupational, Safety and Health Officer
12. System Management Integration
13. Effective Customer Satisfaction Base On ISO 10002:2004
14. Safety and Health Inspection Techniques
15. Accident Reporting, Investgation and Analysis
16. Occupational Health and Safety
17. H2S Hazard Control


1. Leadership and Motivation
2. Team Work Building
3. Character Building
4. Administration and Filling System
5. Pre-retirement Training
6. Preventive Maintenance System

Head Office :
Masjid Agung Area Kav A-1
Jl. Pagesangan Baru V, Surabaya
Telp : 031 - 8295601, 8295609

Branch Office :
Kebagusan Perdana Kav 3
Jl. Kebagusan Raya, Jakarta Selatan
Telp : 021-78882350

Safety Training Fire Surabaya 2018, Hub 081 230 454 20 (Call-WA)

Safety Training Fire Surabaya 2018 | Safety Training Malang | Safety Training Gresik | Safety Training k3 | Safety Training k3 Surabaya

Safety Training Fire Surabaya 2018 | Safety Training Malang | Safety Training Gresik | Safety Training k3 | Safety Training k3 Surabaya

Nusantara Traisser fokus pada layanan program pelatihan dan sertifikasi personil,
jasa pendampingan operasional (Coaching) serta supplier perlengkapan K3 khususnya APD

1. Mobile Crane Operator
2. Overhead Crane Operator
3. Tower Crane Operator
4. Forklift Operator
5. Scaffolder
6. Rigger
7. Production Operation
8. Well Maintenance
9. Drilling
10. Genset Operator
11. Welder
12. Production Operation
13. Lifting Equipment Inspector
14. Bulldozer and Side Boom Operator
15. Heavy Duty Truck Operator
16. Traxcavator and Back Hoe Operator
17. Wheel and Track Loader Operator
18. Boiler Operator
19. Gondola Operator
20. First Grade & Second Grade Boiler Operator

1. Mobil Crane Inspection and Testing
2. Boiler Maintenance
3. Forklift Maintenance
4. Advance Rigging for Supervisor
5. Scaffolding Inspection and Testing
6. Lubrication System
7. Pump and Maintenance

PROGRAMS (Sertifikasi)

1. Occupational Safety and Health Professional
2. Emergency First Aid
3. Safety Commitee
4. Fire Prevention and Fighting Technique
5. Electrical Occupational Safety and Health
6. Confined Space Safety
7. Internal Audit of The OSH Management System
8. Working At Height Technicians
9. Construction Occupational, Safety and Health Officer
10. Basic Safety Training
11. Chemical Occupational, Safety and Health Officer
12. System Management Integration
13. Effective Customer Satisfaction Base On ISO 10002:2004
14. Safety and Health Inspection Techniques
15. Accident Reporting, Investgation and Analysis
16. Occupational Health and Safety
17. H2S Hazard Control


1. Leadership and Motivation
2. Team Work Building
3. Character Building
4. Administration and Filling System
5. Pre-retirement Training
6. Preventive Maintenance System

Head Office :
Masjid Agung Area Kav A-1
Jl. Pagesangan Baru V, Surabaya
Telp : 031 - 8295601, 8295609

Branch Office :
Kebagusan Perdana Kav 3
Jl. Kebagusan Raya, Jakarta Selatan
Telp : 021-78882350

Safety Training Fire Surabaya, Hub 081 230 454 20 (Call-WA)

Safety Training Fire Surabaya | Safety Training Fire Surabaya 2018 | Safety Training Malang | Safety Training Gresik | Safety Training k3

Safety Training Fire Surabaya | Safety Training Fire Surabaya 2018 | Safety Training Malang | Safety Training Gresik | Safety Training k3

Nusantara Traisser fokus pada layanan program pelatihan dan sertifikasi personil,
jasa pendampingan operasional (Coaching) serta supplier perlengkapan K3 khususnya APD

1. Mobile Crane Operator
2. Overhead Crane Operator
3. Tower Crane Operator
4. Forklift Operator
5. Scaffolder
6. Rigger
7. Production Operation
8. Well Maintenance
9. Drilling
10. Genset Operator
11. Welder
12. Production Operation
13. Lifting Equipment Inspector
14. Bulldozer and Side Boom Operator
15. Heavy Duty Truck Operator
16. Traxcavator and Back Hoe Operator
17. Wheel and Track Loader Operator
18. Boiler Operator
19. Gondola Operator
20. First Grade & Second Grade Boiler Operator

1. Mobil Crane Inspection and Testing
2. Boiler Maintenance
3. Forklift Maintenance
4. Advance Rigging for Supervisor
5. Scaffolding Inspection and Testing
6. Lubrication System
7. Pump and Maintenance

PROGRAMS (Sertifikasi)

1. Occupational Safety and Health Professional
2. Emergency First Aid
3. Safety Commitee
4. Fire Prevention and Fighting Technique
5. Electrical Occupational Safety and Health
6. Confined Space Safety
7. Internal Audit of The OSH Management System
8. Working At Height Technicians
9. Construction Occupational, Safety and Health Officer
10. Basic Safety Training
11. Chemical Occupational, Safety and Health Officer
12. System Management Integration
13. Effective Customer Satisfaction Base On ISO 10002:2004
14. Safety and Health Inspection Techniques
15. Accident Reporting, Investgation and Analysis
16. Occupational Health and Safety
17. H2S Hazard Control


1. Leadership and Motivation
2. Team Work Building
3. Character Building
4. Administration and Filling System
5. Pre-retirement Training
6. Preventive Maintenance System

Head Office :
Masjid Agung Area Kav A-1
Jl. Pagesangan Baru V, Surabaya
Telp : 031 - 8295601, 8295609

Branch Office :
Kebagusan Perdana Kav 3
Jl. Kebagusan Raya, Jakarta Selatan
Telp : 021-78882350

Training Ahli k3 Boiler, Hub 0811 318 5601 (Call-WA)

Training Ahli k3 Boiler | Training Material k3 Bidang Penanggulangan Kebakaran | Training k3 Umum Batam | Training k3 Di Bali | Trainin...